
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Mission... Weight-loss, Week 1

So let me just get it all out there... I'm considered obese. YUCK. Just the word sends my stomach into a knot. Ugh! Well, they knowing is 1/2 the battle, right? I wish it was that simple.
Here is my lose 1.5-2 pounds a week. It's a safe goal so I'm sticking with it. This 1st week has been a tough one, let me tell ya.

Yep, this is what it's like right now.
How am I going to obtain this goal you ask? First, I am tracking everything I eat on (No, they are not paying me to advertise for them) I have tried a couple of different websites and this one seems to be the best for me. Knowing what I am putting in my belly is the 1st step in losing the fat (I'm no expert, that's just my common sense theory).

I'm not saying I will wear these, but I'd like the option to if I want to.
Then, I am going to keep a journal of this mission because when I look fabulous and feel like slipping up, I can look back at how hard I worked to get to the fabulous part. I think (well obviously since it's my blog) that this will be my way of keeping the weight off forever. I guess we shall find out at a later date....

And finally, I have started exercising. The picture above basically sums up my feelings about exercising. However, I do like the alone time. Putting the monsters for a nap and listening to my music while watching my fat cry (that's what I tell myself sweat is) has turned out to be more pleasing than I thought.

So follow along and watch my journey. This chubby chick will be hot and fabulous soon!!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Budget Basics

I have yet to come across a person who says "Oh my God, I can't wait to do the budget tonight!" With that said, we all (unless you found a money tree, and in that case, you better start sharing) need to budget. No matter how much money you bring in, you need to make sure you aren't over-spending.

Let me tell you how I first realized I needed to budget. When I got out "on my own" I thought budgeting meant calling the bank to hear the balance in my checking account before purchasing whatever it was I wanted. Needless to say, it wasn't good.

So, Here is what we do in our house. You don't have to follow it exact, but hopefully it gives you some ideas on how to create and follow your own budget plan.

The first thing we do is post a list of all "bills" and when they are due. I have this in a spreadsheet so I can easily add-on or remove a bill as life goes on. I also note if something is automatically withdrawn from our account so I don't forget to make sure the funds are there. I have overdrawn in the past from forgetting something was to come out. We keep this on our refrigerator. (If someone is going stop over, it will be removed from sight)

The other budgeting tip I have is to track yourself. About every 3 months or so, I print out our bank report for a full month. I then go through it and highlight all fast food debits in one color and all other unnecessary spending in another color. I then add the totals together. This keeps us on track as to not throw away our money. (There is a birthday gift amount blacked out in case the birthday person sees this.)

I love to hear tips and tricks other people find works for them, so feel free to comment.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Diaper Cake Motorcycle

I absolutely love making these for new moms and dads! They can be made for a boy or girl, or neutral.
Here I have posted the step-by-step instructions if you'd like to know how to make them yourself.
I also sell these for $50 each. Just let me know what specific colors you want.

50 diapers
3 washcloths
2 receiving blankets
1 package of travel wipes
1 bib
1 bottle
1 stuffed animal
tape (preferably double sided)
A little patience...

Divide your diapers. Each tire will have 25.
Then lay them overlapping.

Take a rolled washcloth and use it as your guide, and roll the diapers into the tire. This is where you will need the patience. Don't worry if they aren't all even, you can adjust them later.

Secure the tire with a rubberband, then tie your yarn tightly around the rubberband.
Remove the rubberband and repeat steps 1-3 to make the 2nd tire.

Wrap your ribbon around each tire. Use the tape to secure it. Ribbon should cover the yarn.
Set the tires aside.

Take 1 of your receiving blankets and fold it so it is narrow. Secure the ends with rubberbands. This will make them easier to pull through the middle of the tires.

Pull the blanket through 1 tire leaving a little bit of slack at one end. Then pull it through the 2nd tire as shown.

Remove the rubberbands from the ends of the blanket and wrap 1 of the rubberbands around both ends together. This will become the middle of the motorcycle.

Add the bumpers with 2 washcloths. I used tape to secure them onto the ribbon.

Fold the 2nd receiving blanket as you did the first 1 and pull it through the front tire leaving equal slack on each side.
Wrap the last washcloth around the bottle. Place bottle on the front tire and wrap the receiving blanket around the bottle.
Secure with a rubberband.
Add 1 sock to each handlebar.
Place your pack of wipes, with the bib wrapped around it, in the center of the motorcycle.

Add your animal and you are finished

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Serving Sized Snacks

I don't know why I haven't done this before, but here is a simple way to make sure you only eat 1 serving.

In order to save money, we buy bulk-sized bags of things. Well it's very tempting to sit down with the huge bag and snack away as we watch an evening show.

Take your bulk-sized item, or anything that has more than 1 serving in it, and take a single serving out, putting it in snack-sized baggies.

We found that a container filled with snack sizes on the counter makes it easy to grab and go so we have something with us if we are out and get hungry. (Lots healthier than stopping for a $1 burger) And the kids can get their own snacks. We also did this in the fridge with veggies and applesauce (applesauce was put into 1-cup containers (We used the Take-N-Toss, but I'm sure any kind will do).

Monday, May 14, 2012

Bow Mania

Well we have been super busy here! Phew! Each year we do a big yard sale and this year's is a little more involved. I am also going to have a table of my bows and things. And of course I'm not just selling them on the 26th, but 2 days later I will have a booth at the local flea market selling bows there as well.

So with cleaning out closets and making bows, my time is tight. Oh yeah, and did I mention that the hubby as a broken ankle so I'm not only taking care of the kiddos (by myself) but also trying to take care of E so he isn't putting weight on his leg.

Anyways, here are my newest bows. You can see all of my bows or place a custom order at The Cloverpatch Bowtique

I have also started bow boards. I was sick of finding bows all over the house, so this is easy to clip them on and see which one you want to wear...