
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Homemade Carpet Shampoo

I know I haven't posted in a while, and there is a good reason for that. CRAZY BUSY FAMILY! I have been spring cleaning my butt off....well I wish my butt was smaller....anyways, back to the post.

I wanted to share with you all my homemade carpet shampoo. Shampoo in stores (even generic) is soooo expensive! I don't know about all of you, but our wallet is thin in this house. So here is a FANTASTIC recipe to get your carpets super clean!

First, I went through and spot treated any bad areas, and let me tell ya...there were a lot more than I thought (and we only have fish as pets, so use your imagination). People wearing their shoes in the house, and kids (ahem...and spouses) spilling God-knows-what, it was very polka-dotted....

Then, I added 1 Tbsp baking soda to the bottom of my container followed by 1/3 cup of vinegar.
Next, I added HOT water to the fill line.
Last, I added 1 Tbsp laundry detergent.

I have a standard carpet steamer:

This is what the shampoo sucked out of the disgusts me! Needless to say, I did the carpets a second time. The 1st pic in this post is from the 2nd run.


  1. Just found this post on pinterest. I'm going to shampoo the carpets in our rental this week. I not looking forward to the color of that water... Thanks!

    1. Hoping it turned out good.

    2. Is baking soda OK to go through a carpet cleaner or should I put it down first. It's to get cat urine smell up. One of my girls seems to be going through a "I'll pee where I want phase" the dog and I are judging

    3. @Sam I know this is a bit late, but Odaban works great for urine and other pwth odors. It also disinfects.

    4. The best carpet shampoo is your laundry detergent if you want to add a disinfectant choose a non chlorine bleach just add the two to your machine and it's fantastic if you think about it it's designed to remove stains and carpet is just a fabric . The store bought carpet shampoos are oil based and will have you cleaning your carpets sooner than you should have to dust sticks to your carpet after you use it because they want you to keep buying it liquid laundry soap is tge best your carpet will be clean soft and smell however you like just pick the scent you want any laundry soap will work . .I am commenting in this spot because I don't know how to comment on the original post my apologies but I just wanted to share

  2. I just cleaned my carpet with your recipe with one little change. I used Borax washing soap instead of the laundry detergent. OMG my carpet has not looked this good since it was new. Thanks so much for your hard work at figuring out a good recipe. Amazing how vinegar is so good for so many things.

    1. How much Borax and Washing soap did you use? I have 2 dogs( the house is not their bathroom) but I like yo have the house look and smell clean.

    2. How much Borax should be used?

  3. Found this on pinterest a few hours ago. You are without a doubt my favorite person in the world at the moment!! We got a puppy a few weeks ago and our 4 year old fur baby finds it clever to mark his territory while we sleep. I'm a neat freak and have had about enough of that, but thanks to you my home no longer smells like pee and smells like Gain (one of my top 3 favorite scents on the planet) instead of the super expensive, scent that I can tolerate, store bought junk. THANK YOU!!


    1. Just be aware, I've read in some places that sometimes carpets will turn sort of brown-ish from using laundry detergent in the carpet. I'm hoping that's only when you use too much, which would NOT be the case in this one. Besides, I just tried this recipe, too! :D

    2. Advice from a 30+ year dog owner:
      Please, please do not let your dog roam free at night. A 4 year old fur baby should be able to hold it; if not, use a crate. It's good for the dog and for you!

  4. You are army nothing short of amazing!!! Thanks for the recipe found you on pinterest. I am excited to they this recipe. I have the same steam cleaner as you.

  5. Sorry that was supposed to say awesome not "army"... Sorry!

  6. I just steamed cleaned my carpets last night with that super expensive store cleaner! Darn I wish I had saw this first. Oh well, I still have the upstairs to go, I will try this instead and compare the two. Thank you!

  7. I am doing this in just a few minutes! So excited to see how well this works! i have two dogs and a kid... and well we all know how that goes!

  8. Ive just tried this and it works just as well (if not better) than leading name brands. My carpets were friggin grodyt (teenagers + dogs + cats = not an easy task!) , now theyre Tide clean! :) I love finding a legit pin!

  9. would it be okay to use apple cider vinegar? that is all I have on hand but I really want to try it NOW!!

    1. Suggest you should use "cleaning vinegar" as opposed to "cooking vinegar"... Walmart sells this by the gallon. I use this product for all house-hold cleaning recipes and in the laundry.

  10. I have done this but I use Borax but I also added a few drops of essential oil to give it a wonderful smell. =)

  11. Does this leave your house smelling of vinegar?...

    1. no it doesnt - it smells so clean

  12. This is WONDERFUL!! We have 3 cats and 3 dogs (2 of whom have diarrhea at the moment) and I just used this in my Bissel carpet cleaner. We steam clean a LOT and I have grown really sick of the smell of the cleaner (I associate it with urine now). Commercial cleaners leave a soapy residue where this did not! And no odor (used Borax)! Plus I think it would do wonders for the underlay and it would kill the odor causing bacteria that is hard to get to. Needless to say, worked wonders on the skidmarks one dog left on every room last night : (

    1. If you're trying to clean animal messes DON'T use hot water. Hot water will bind the pet urine smell to the carpet. I found that info from an animal shelter website after cleaning the carpets twice with hot water.

    2. If your dog is dragging his bum a lot, you might want to take him to the vet and see if his anal glands need to be drained -- I mean, you could do it yourself, but it's PRETTY gross, and your vet will be able to tell you for sure if it's a problem.

    3. Unknown, 1/4 c borax to the mix will do wonders! BTW, I personally used washing soda instead of baking soda. I have teens in and out of my hallway to son's bedroom, carpet was black but this solution cleaned it incredibly well after 1 scrubbing. I mixed the solution & saturated the stain, scrubbed with a brush and let sit for an hour then pulled out fluids with the steam cleaner. Went over the rest of it with the solution in the tank. Please do rinse (plain water in tank) after cleaning, you are putting in essense a soap on your floor and it will attract dirt!

    4. Wait a minute. I know this is an old post but just reading now. Are you telling me that every time I BOILED water to use to get pee stain out, I actually made it worse??????

  13. Our carpets are old and were a beige color...I add clorox too and it doesn't take the color if you don't care about the carpet you can add clorox too. I have done it several times and it brightens up the carpet

    1. You don't mean you add clorox bleach and vinegar, together, do you?? That's a recipe that could send you to the ER with permanent lung damage!! NEVER mix bleach with vinegar or amonia!

    2. I think she meant Clorox 2. Not too. No actual bleach in it, so it is safe.

    3. how much clorox would you use I have clorox 2.

    4. Clorox and vinegar is okay, its Clorox and ammonia that's a problem. Look it up.

    5. I mix Bleach and Vinegar in my laundry all the time and haven't killed anyone yet. I use vinegar as my fabric softener too. Mixing bleach and vinegar is fine.

  14. Hi! I have just bought another carpet cleaning machine. I tried this recipe and it was wonderful. I added a combination of liquid detergent and borax and upped the vinegar for extra umph! Our carpets have never looked so good. =] Next time, I will add some essence oils for that extra clean smell we been classically trained for. =D

    To the curious: No, cleaning with vinegar does not leave a scent. As the vinegar dissipates, so does the odor. Distilled White vinegar is amazing as a cleaning agent. Try using it more instead of toxic chemical cleaners! You'd be surprised. =]


  16. I am so glad I found your site. I don't like a lot of chemcals and I like things cheap. Can't wait to try this out. Thanks!

  17. My carpet cleaner has two compartments. One for water and the other for solution. How would you recommend I do the mixture with that in mind?

  18. I am wondering the same thing about 2 compartments like anonymous above. any of you that have tried this recipe, if you had a 2 compartment shampooer, how did you do it? thanks, darlene

  19. I have also found recipe that uses febreeze, going to try to add a little to see if I leaves a nice scent in the room.

  20. Don't mix vinegar and bleach!

    1. Bleach and vinegar is fine to mix it's bleach and amonia you have to worry about!!!!

  21. I have read that over time the vinegar will break down the softer plastic in my steam cleaner. Without knowing for sure it makes me hesitant to try any homemade recipes.

  22. Im wanting to know about the 2 compartment shampooer not sure how this would work I could put it all in the bottom then what would I put in the cleaner solution compartment

  23. I used to have a 2-compartment Bissell Green Machine and now have an upright. The Green Machine tank was 2 gallon vs. 1 gallon in the upright, so I would double the amount of soda/vinegar/detergent and then water to the fill line.

  24. I just cleaned my living room and WOW!! It took 3 refills for a large room. The water was so brown! Didn't realize my carpet was that bad. And it smells fresh and clean! I doubled the vinegar like CiC suggested. I highly recommend adding vinegar last AND very batch bubbled over all over my counter : )

  25. Ok, now I'm just dying to clean my carpets!!! Hey, did you know you can dump the dirty water straight into the toilet? It doesn't overflow. It just flushes automatically as you dump water into it. That way you don't have to worry about clogging drains or cleaning out the tub afterwards.

  26. I just used your recipe for rug shampoo and WOW. It cleaned the rug to where it looks brand new ! Thank you !

  27. Beyond AMAZED with this carpet cleaner!!!!! I just cleaned my carpets (standard store bought solution) about a month ago. We seldom wear our shoes in the house unless it is to grab something quick. But we have a dog, and a two and a half year old. So there was the occasional little spot here and there. I was so incredibly excited when I was done that I kind of annoyed my husband!! But, he gave me a big high five!! Definitely using this solution from now on!! Thank you so much!!!

  28. Just finished my carpet...this is AMAZING! They look alot cleaner after using this solution than when I used the Bissel cleaning solution. Thank you!!

  29. I just want to say, thank you so much!! I have been wanting so bad to replace my carpet because of how awful they looked. I followed your recipe but doubled it because I used the wide rug doctor and it has a bigger basin. My carpets have not looked this good since they were professionally cleaned when we purchased the house 2 hears ago. They might even look better. The big black track spot in the middle of my floor is finally gone!! Thanks for giving my carpets a little more life. I will now use this recipe everytime I clean them!

  30. My carpet steamer has two compartments. One for the water and one for the detergent concentrate. The water container has a water "bladder" inside the container which is where you put the clean water. then as the bladder empties the clean water to steam the carpet, the dirty water collects back into the container. That being said, how could I make your solution work for me? It sounds like a carpet cleaning miracle and I'd like to try it!!

  31. Make sure when you are using a powder substane I would suggest you heat it first to make sure there would be no powder as using with a floor cleaner this could possibly clog the hoses. I let someone borrow mine and it came back with stopped hoses.

  32. You can also pretreat the spots with hydrogen peroxide

    1. I just recently used this type of recipe and found a peroxide treatment on Pinterest and it works great!!! Our youngest grandson is currently potty training and accidents happen! Well, needless to say, I used the peroxide with some baking soda on the spot first and then went over it with the carpet recipe and it works great!!!! I then added my own treatment of my homemade febreze and now our mattress smells wonderful and is clean!!! Great furniture saver!!!!

  33. I am liking the comments on how well this cleaning solution works. Could you possibly tell me about how one would go about using this method when you have a 2 compartment steamer (like Dee above mentioned) very interested in trying. Thanks in advance.

  34. Thanks for the post.Love to use homemade as opposed to store bought anything for cleaning.Will be adding Borax since we get laundry detergent in pods.

  35. will this work without a carpet cleaning machine?

  36. Do u use liquid laundry detergent or powder or does it matter?

  37. I always do a quick second run with a capful of fabric softner (Downey, my fav). It leaves the carpet (and house) smelling so good, and when it dries it feels so soft.

    1. Using Fabric softener will cause your carpets to get dirty again quicker because it will attract dirt.

  38. do you think this would work in a carpet cleaner that has brushes and just puts the solution out in a foam and scrubs it in? Then I let it dry and vacuum up any residue. If anyone has tried that please comment.

    1. Did you ever try this? My cleaner works this way, and I'm getting ready to give it a shot. Fingers crossed! :D

    2. Update - Nope, it doesn't work with a Kirby foaming cleaning system. I needed a different recipe for that (very similar, but included Dawn dish soap). Still very happy to be doing DIY, though! :)

  39. Could this be used as a spray on upholstery cleaner? Or on area rugs? We have very expensive hardwood floors so I am hesitant to use a stream cleaner on our three area rugs.

  40. Just used this recipe solution, I did change this up a bit. I also added just a little bit of liquid Downy, peroxide, and used Dawn dish soap instead of laundry soap. My carpets look wonderful. We have thick frize' almost white carpeting in our bedrooms and I would say this worked 100% better than store bought solutions. I was amazed at how much grime was in the carpet.

  41. I found your post just before Thanksgiving, didn't get around to doing the shampooing, using your recipe, until the first week in December. Like you, I was disgusted with the price of carpet shampoo.

    Your recipe worked so wonderfully good, I was amazed. The house smelled better than when I used the commercial shampoo and I do believe it looked cleaner also.

    But what has amazed me the most is how clean it has stayed over the weeks to follow. It's true that the soap in cleaners can attract dirt after the carpet is dry. In the past I had gone over the carpet with water after shampooing, but who wants to shampoo twice every time?

    Thank you so much, you have made my shampooing much easier and it lasts longer.

  42. I think I will try this but wanted to also share that missing water and Mr. Clean that has Febreeze makes a good cleaning solution for carpet as well and is much less expensive than commercial carpet shampoo.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. I ran my (borrowed) Bissell Lift Off through my bedroom with just hot water this afternoon to get a feel for what it could do. It picked up a pretty decent amount and dried within a few hours (despite only picking about abt 1/3 of the water I put down - PROs of living in AZ I guess), but there were still some spots (cause I was lazy and didn't pre-treat anything) and larger stain areas that didn't get cleaned up. Instead of doing my bedroom again with the cleaner I decided to just make my first shot at the loft suing the cleaner. I didn't have any baking soda and only powder laundry detergent (not sure if that matters), so I used vinegar, hot water, and abt Tbsp of Mrs Meyers Clean Day Multi Surface cleaner. So far it is looking good! I was lame and didn't pre-treat anything again (I am 8 months pregnant! Really don't want to be on my hands and knees, haha), but it picked up WAY more than I anticipated it would. AWESOME! Tomorrow night I am hoping to pre-treat all the obnoxious spots with a vinegar/Mrs Meyers spray and than go over both rooms a second time. The water isn't black, but it still pretty gross, so I'd love to see it a little bit cleaner before I throw in the towel. ;-) Thanks for the idea! Buying the chemical stuff wasn't sitting well with me and this was the first DIY solution that did.

  45. I would be VERY careful with using any kind of vinegar in a carpet shampooer/steamer. I've owned shampooers for 9 years and I'm on my 3rd one. I also came across a homemade recipe for a shampooer containing vinegar many years ago. After using my 1st shampooer for almost a year, one day the clean water and the cleaning solution wouldn't dispense onto my carpet. That shampooer went out to the curb. Bought a 2nd one and used the same solution. About 9 months later, (I am a neat freak and clean my carpets on a monthly basis), whenever I set the full water dispenser onto the machine, it seemed like a lot of the water would just run right out of it onto the floor, even though I hadn't even turned the machine on yet. I took it in to get looked at and before the repairman even took my name, he asked me if I use vinegar as part of a cleaning solution. I answered yes in fact I did. He said he could smell it and he said vinegar should NEVER be used in a carpet shampooer or ANY machine with rubber seals in it. Over time vinegar eats away and dissolves those seals. It had ruined the seals on my pump and that's why the clean water would drain right out onto the floor even before I turned my machine on. Luckily, my machine still had warranty on it, but if not, it would have been an $80 repair to replace the pump.

  46. Hi what spot treatment do you use? A homemade or store brought?

  47. I think that thanks for the valuabe information and insights you have so provided here.
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  48. I cant help but wonder, comparing the cost of a new pump or even a less expensive machine, like I have, if it works for a few years then conks out, I probably saved that much in cleaning materials. The one I use is 3.00 to 6.00 per bottle and I have saying I bet I spend close to $300? a year OR cleaning rug stuff...and, my machine was about 100.00 .....idon't know..I'm just saaain' i'd use a cleaner that cleaned well, .home made or not..I wonder though if it rots any of the fibers in the daughter works for a cleaning company (no deals for the parents) and they say getting the floor dry is so important, because saturation can cause mold under the rug's there if not dried properly so turn on those fans.

  49. I just found your post on Pinterest and let me tell you this cleaner is AMAZING!! I have a senior toy poodle that is diabetic and going blind and at times she has trouble making it outside. Needless to say, our carpet were in dire need of a deep cleaning. Since our carpet was so bad in our guest room I added:

    2 tbs Baking Soda
    1 c Vinegar
    4 tbs Oxi Clean laundry detergent

    Our carpet looks pretty new. We are astonished at how good they look. Thank you so much for sharing your cleaning recipe. It is greatly appreciated!!

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  54. Having clean carpeting that is free of stains and odors without using products that contain harsh chemicals is possible. These homemade recipes are easy to make and won’t cost you an arm and a leg. Thank for sharing :)

  55. Can you use this on carpet with black in them

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

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