
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Weekly Menu Board

This is the post I have looked forward to for weeks! The idea of a menu board was 100% Pinterest inspired. But I wasn't able to find one that fit the space I had. So I sort of combined a few ideas into this board. I cannot wait to plan out our meals for next week this Sunday as I coupon!!!!!

It has taken me weeks to complete it, but don't get scared away, I didn't just work on this board. If I had, it probably would have taken me 2 days. So here is the step-by-step process.

First, I took the chalkboard I already had. (Plain and ugly...I know.)

Next I took stickers to make out the words "Menu" and "Shopping" and sealed them with Mod Podge. This way I can wipe the board clean with a wet rag since it is in my kitchen.  I also painted the trim a green color.

As the painted trim was drying, I took 5 wooden clothes pins and painted them with nail polishes.

As those dried, I took an empty bandaid box and trimmed it to the size I wanted.

I then covered the bandaid box.

After the clothes pins were dry, I used my hotglue gun and attached the pins where I wanted them. I only used 5, because we usually end up eating out 1 day on the weekend and eat at my in-laws the other day of the weekend. So I tend to not plan on cooking on weekends.

Next, I decided to print up the most common meals in our house with all of the ingredients need to make the meal on the back of the card. This way, when I make out my shopping list I will know all the ingredients I need to buy.
After they printed, I lamenated them so I would be able to wipe off anything that would get on them.

Finally, I assembled my board with the menu card holder, a pad of paper, and a sharpie holder (made out of ribbon). I used velcro to attach the pad of paper and card holder, and hot glue to attach the pen holder.

And my menu board was complete!

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